Interconnected means one-stop shopping.
Acupuncture is ancient, older than Jerusalem, and is still around, becoming more popular in the West as a viable medical system.
Acupuncture emphasizes the concept of oneness. Everything is connected. Therefore, you need not go to one practitioner for back pain, a different person for sleep problems, and a third specialist for headaches.
The acupuncturist looks for interconnections and relationships to understand how the body functions and how to bring it to optimal health. Therefore, you may find that even though you come in to get relief from pain, other issues may also start to improve.
Acupuncture is a broadly used and accepted modality.
Acupuncture is now available in many major hospitals in the United States, and many insurance companies are starting to cover it.
The military uses it – they call it Battlefield acupuncture. The approach uses metal ‘press balls’ on specific acupuncture points on the ear to help relieve pain. VA hospitals also provide acupuncture services to veterans.
Professional sports teams and athletes use acupuncture to maximize their performance, recover from injury, and prevent injuries.
And millions of regular people are using acupuncture to help recover from illnesses and prevent disease from occurring in the first place.
This is happening because it works. It works because it is based on nature’s laws, the main one being the Tao or ‘the Way’.
Acupuncture is a holistic approach with no side effects.
Acupuncture is safe, with no adverse side effects – positive side effects are likely, including a deep sense of relaxation.
It is a body, mind, spirit improvement system.
On the body level, acupuncture relieves pain and helps with other ailments such as digestive issues and sleep problems.
On the mind level, acupuncture works to calm the mind, create inner peace, and stop overthinking, fear, and worry.
On the highest level, the spirit level, acupuncture helps you figure out your purpose in life.
Improving interconnectedness enhances your life.
The goal of life is to find out what your purpose is here and then fulfill it. And finding purpose leads to a happy and full life.
Without good health, I believe it is difficult to achieve our purpose.
So, call today, improve your health and your life. I look forward to working with you to achieve this goal.