My focus is on health and wellness, not illness and disease.
The approach I use focuses on health and wellness and enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself – rather than focusing on illness and disease. The body has incredible self-healing abilities. If you are ready to improve your current level of health, you have arrived at the right place.
I prefer to spend my life associating with the ‘good’– that being health – rather than associating with the ‘bad’ – or the disease. My ongoing learning is about how to be healthy – and then sharing that information with my clients, rather than educating them on the details of some grim disease.
During the first visit to my office, we focus on your current health status and health history. More importantly, we will talk about your health goals. Where do you want your health to be three months from now and in one year from now? What do you believe is possible for yourself?
I believe the body can heal itself. It does all the time. For example, a cut on your finger heals quickly.
Sometimes, the body needs a boost to reawaken and enhance its incredible self-healing abilities.
Acupuncture and modalities of Chinese Medicine provide that boost.
Getting the body to relax is a great way to achieve healing.
On one level, a simple explanation is that acupuncture helps you relax; this is a win-win situation. When the body is relaxed, it gets out of its own way and healing occurs.
Over 80% of doctor visits are stress-related! No matter why people come to see me at my office, one benefit they always notice immediately is less stress. I always focus on stress management as part of my treatment approach because stress is a common root cause of illness in today’s world.
Less stress = Better health.